The Brothers Sun
The Brothers Sun, a New Anticipated American Drama Series
On air from Jan. 4, 2024 on Netflix
The story unfolds in sunny California, where Bruce (played by Sam Song Li) aspires to lead a regular life. However, his aspirations take an unexpected turn with the sudden appearance of his brother, Charles (portrayed by Justin Chien), arriving from Taipei. Charles carries with him a startling revelation that shatters Bruce's perception of normalcy — their father is a prominent Taiwanese triad kingpin. Complicating matters further, their mother, Eileen (depicted by Michelle Yeoh), had relocated to the U.S. in an attempt to escape the clutches of the criminal underworld.
The series, through its intricate storytelling and dynamic characters, explores themes of identity, loyalty, and the inescapable ties that bind family members. Against the backdrop of California's diverse landscape, "The Brothers Sun" weaves a tale of intrigue, danger, and the quest for redemption as the Sun family grapples with the shadows of their patriarch's criminal past.
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